Page changes/updates not saving? Blank theme options?

Especially if you have a large/long page with lots of layout builder settings, you may notice that your page changes or updates are not saving. If it looks like it saved, but then nothing changes or if you go back to edit the Muffin Builder element you were just working on and it seems your changes haven’t saved – you’re in the right place.

This is a common problem. Here’s how to diagnose the issue and solve the problem – a quick fix!

What’s going on?

Web hosting providers impose a memory limit to make sure your website doesn’t take up more resources than you’ve paid for. If the max_input_vars variable setting is too low, it can cripple the ability to save your BeTheme settings or page options to your website’s database.

How to Diagnose the Issue

  1. Take a look at the Appearance > System Status page with your WordPress admin area.
  2. Under the “Server Environment” section of that page, look for the “PHP Max Input Vars” row… Is the number in red like this?
    PHP Max Input Vars:   [?]   1000 – Max input vars limitation will truncate POST data such as menus.
  3. This will tell you the maximum number of variables a single function of your server can use before it overloads. If this number is set too low then it could be the issue.

How to Solve the Problem with PHP Max Input Vars

  • If you have access to your server’s .htaccess file, you might try adding this line of code to see if you can increase the limit yourself to 10,000 – which will be more than enough. 
    php_value max_input_vars 10000
  • You may need to contact your web hosting provider to request that the value of your max_input_vars be set to 10000 or more to accommodate the memory your BeTheme website needs.
    BeTheme PHP Max Input Vars
  • Of course, you get what you pay for so if neither of those solutions resolve the problem then we recommend looking into a better web hosting provider that is better equipped to handle BeTheme.

Note: Larger pages with lots of builder elements will increase the memory needed to save all of those settings. You may encounter this issue only when your page size reaches a certain point.